middle school

The middle school curriculum is guided by the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP).

THE PROGRAMME EMPOWERS students in Grades 6-8 to inquire into a wide range of issues and ideas of significance locally, nationally and globally. The result is young people who are creative, critical and reflective thinkers. Skills and concepts taught in this manner help students make connections with their knowledge, evaluate information critically and apply knowledge in complex, unfamiliar situations.

The IB Learner Profile

A set of attributes developed throughout all ages of the IB curriculum that help members of the school community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them.

Using concepts for deep understanding

The MYP curriculum exposes students to big ideas that have relevance within specific disciplines and across subject areas. Students use concepts to inquire into issues of personal, local and global significance, building deep lifelong understanding.

Approaches to Learning

Students learn skills applicable across their lives that help them to become more reflective, independent and responsible learners.

I develop passion projects with Grade 7 where they can study whatever they want as long as it is related to science. It allows these students to explore a topic of interest deeply and then share that understanding and passion with others. I like to call them TED Talks for Middle School.
— Denise Mizell, MYP Sciences Teacher

Global Contexts

Students learn best when their learning is connected to their lives. As part of the MYP curriculum, students explore interdisciplinary themes such as globalisation and sustainability, fairness and development, identities and relationships, personal and cultural expression, orientation in space and time, and scientific and technical innovation.


students involved in ongoing community service projects


Mindfullness Practices


Electives Offered Each Term


multi-day field trips to another island

Other Middle School Features

  • Languages

    Students have the option of studying Spanish, French and/or Mandarin. Language immersion trips are also available.


    Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math skills are integrated across the curriculum and students can pursue these fields in-depth in the co-curricular and electives programmes.

  • The Arts

    Students have the opportunity to explore their creativity and communication in a variety of performing and visual arts mediums while working with visiting artists.

  • Electives

    Meeting for 90 minutes weekly, electives are an opportunity for students to pursue their passions or develop new interests.

  • Overnight Field Trips

    Each grade attends a field trip that plays a major role in linking classroom-based inquiries to the larger community, the outdoors and our environment.

  • Assessment

    Students take midyear and final assessments using clearly defined criteria provided by the IB. In addition, students take the ERB & MAP standardised test for benchmarking against international norms.

  • Co-Curriculars

    Students can participate in after-school activities in athletics, technology, and the arts.

  • Technology

    LCIS is a one-to-one laptop school that prioritises responsible use and provides access to the latest innovative technology.

  • Advisory

    A key aspect of the middle school model is an advisory group led by a staff member who advocates for the students and gives an instructional context for learning about personal, social and health development.

  • Library

    Students have scheduled research time in their classes, as well as the opportunity to spend free time in the learning commons, accessing the current catalogue and online databases.

  • Student Support

    Students with learning differences or English-language needs are provided with personalised learning support.

  • Community Service

    Grade 8 students plan and execute a major community project in a small group.

  • Physical & Health Education

    In addition to focusing on physical activity, our PE programme emphasises health and wellness.